Sonntag, 7. September 2014

fluffy buckwheat pancakes

hey everyone :)
something new for my soulmate pancake lover:
my gluten free fluffy pancakes :)

for those who wonder: i usually eat my pancakes dipped in smoothie :)
this one is with banana, rasp- and blueberries :)

ingredients: (for 6 pancakes)

* 1 banana
* 1 tsp water
* 100g buckwheat flour
* 50g oats
* 100ml rice milk
* 50ml water
* 40g cane sugar
* 2 tbs agave syrup
* 1/2 tsp baking powder
* dash of vanilla powder

mash the banana with the teaspoon of water and add the buckwheat flour. grind the oats until they become flour, same with the cane sugar (just because it'll give the pancakes a nicer texture, not absolutely necessary). mix everything in a bowl or in your mixer, just how you want :) 
heat up a bit of plant oil in a little pan. 3-4 tablespoons dough will make one pancake. bake & enjoy <3

2 Kommentare:

  1. Wie machst du den Smoothie denn? Einfach Banan, Heidelbeere und Himbeere mit Wasser in den Mixer? Würde das auch gerne mal ausprobieren.

  2. ja genau! ich nehme für smoothies meistens 2-3 bananen und dann einfach nach Lust und Laune anderes Obst dazu :)
